07 APR 2024 – It’s LIVE Time Again (The Egg)


These are the oils that I will, we have been using, and we’ll talk about later during this video. The Awaken, Highest Potential, Joy, and The Gift.


They will have great relevance to what we’re talking about today. So I will begin right now. The bowls that I tested to play is the Ruby Platinum bowl that includes both the platinum and the gold, as well as the powerful ruby crystals and clear quartz.


And I also have sitting here, the wind chimes for both the Air Element and the Water Element.


And the significance.


The significance of choosing both the Water and the Air Elements is that they both represent a flow.


And it’s almost 11:00, but not quite, so I’m going to wait until the phone time turns over till 11:00 to actually begin. So I hope that each of you has had a beautiful, beautiful week.


I see it’s just turned over and I’m just going to. I have sitting beside me, in addition to the four blends that I mentioned before, I have sitting beside me the diffuser with Believe. I don’t know if you can see the little molecules of Believe wafting upward, but this gives me such grounding and such a beautiful flow, as it includes all of those frequencies of Water and Air.


So. How has your week been? I’m calling this particular video “The Egg,” which you probably you may be able to see on your screen already. And there is a significance there. There is a connection, but first of all, I want to make sure  – I forgot last week. Ah, I forgot to announce the winners of our, the winner, the Grand Prize winner, of our Rainbow Healing System Reset 2024, which was from January to March, and our grand prize winner is: Catherine Leung.


And because there were some other entries that were so beautiful and so much, so much obvious Transformation had taken place, we have invited actually three additional people. We have invited Louisa and Daniella and Shu to all join Catherine when she comes for her week retreat. So they will all have a week full week of transformation.


And relaxation. Restoration. Watever they choose to do here at Fuller Life Bali. So I’m really excited, and I’m excited to see all of them come and be together. So.


Speaking of which, together in transformation.


You know, I’m such a visual person and talk all the time about visuals. So I um, some of you may not have ever seen a visual. Now I have visuals in my mind because I’m a visual human being. I also have visuals around me to jog my attention, to remind me of what I choose to think about. And this is one of my favorites of all.


I don’t know if you if the camera can pick up these iridescent, these opalescent rainbow tones, which are the frequencies that are on this crystal butterfly. Which butterflies are transformation. This makes me happy. And that’s what things are all about these days.


We all have the opportunity for creating our own happiness, and it’s not something that someone else can do for us, is it? It’s something that must come from within. And herein begins my connection to all these random thoughts that have been flowing through my brain so much.


And the question this week, the question of Boundaries came up, because someone who was newer to Rainbow Healing System said, asked me,  she called me out on this. She said that silver, that shiny silver – I now call it a filter, but that Boundary is it, is it, it’s not kind to send something that could be harmful back to the sender. And I thought about how I would answer this and it’s not.


You know, for so long I have certainly thought about energies as being good or bad or higher or lower, and now come to think of them, more like just frequencies, they’re frequencies. Some frequencies are in harmony, others are not in harmony, at any given time.


In a musical piece, if there everything were in harmony all the time, in perfect thirds or fifths or sevenths, there would be very little interest. Sometimes we require some dissonance in order to pay closer attention.


So that then, the dissonance can produce the harmony at a better, more perfect, frequency. A cleaner and clearer frequency. So.


That’s what these, these Boundaries, which I’m now calling filters, are all about. It’s about setting aside a space. I call it the Sacred Space. You can call it the Healing Space. You can call it whatever you choose to do.


The point being, a slight separation between the distractions that are outside, so that you can create within. A beautiful space where you can grow and develop.


THIS is where I then can tie in the idea of the egg. I had a beautiful. One of my wonderful friends, Carol Pipes in the US sent a photo as she was walking on her morning walk, her daily walks around her home each day. Several days she saw this nest.


And the mother bird had laid 2 eggs and 3 eggs, 4 eggs and 5 eggs, as she was a busy mother bird, laying her eggs in this nest. And that’s why I posted that picture yesterday, because to me it was a beautiful reminder that we all begin with that egg, and the egg has the shell around.


What happens if that shell is broken from the outside? If something comes in and hurts that shell?


Then the life with inside will end.


What happens, though, if that egg grows and develops inside?


What happens then?


When that shell breaks, life begins. The Breath of Life! That life begins on a new level. The transformation, the metamorphosis, the metamorphosis from the egg, the metamorphosis from the cocoon.


That egg is the cocoon. If you would prefer to think of those Boundaries as your cocoon. That we are kind of placing a cocoon around us so that we can focus on what’s inside. Focus on growing, on becoming more and more in harmony with who we were created to be.


When we get right down to it, what do we have control over?


Do we have control over anything in the outer world?


I don’t think so. Do we have control over ourselves?


For the most part, yes, we do. No one else has control over us. We are the ones who can change. We are the ones who can make the difference.


And when we take the opportunity to separate, to – to place our cocoon around us – our Sacred Space, our cocoon, our boundaries, whatever you choose to call them, we can then focus on what’s inside and creating that harmony and balance. We can begin to awaken to the possibilities. To awaken to our true potential. And perhaps even reach our highest potential.


Now. At first, this morning I pulled out. I always pull out a number of oils to talk about, and or to use, and to weave into what I’m saying. And Valor was one because this has been a really, really difficult time energetically on this planet. Have any of you had a real, gentle, happy, happy, every moment happy? No, we’ve had a lot of unexpected things come up. Unexpected challenges. Unexpected changes.


Just things that we weren’t perhaps ready for.


And that’s what happens a lot in the cycles of life throughout. And this particular one. We’re in a really, really strange energy. And we’re real, right now we’re in the end of the full moon, which is all about that releasing, letting go changes and heading into the creative part. However, and I was thinking of Valor as the strength required to go on this journey.


And then, I muscle-tested that wasn’t the one to really talk about today, that Valor. Perhaps I’m looking at it from a different perspective, because Valor sounds like we are working hard, and we are pushing, and we’re really having to look.


What if, instead, we look at it from, the looking at the joyful opportunities. And so the two that came out at that point were Inner Child and Joy blend. To look at the possibilities through the eyes of a child. A child is always enthralled with new things. It’s not a question of “Oh, it’s here. I’ve got to get through this!” And those of you who follow the planets know that this is also Mercury Retrograde.


Which is a downer for a lot of people. Well, when we look at the thing, at every moment, with the new eyes, the newness of a child, the newness of that egg developing inside and bursting forth through the shell. With the excitement of everything being positively different. It’s a whole new attitude, isn’t it?


So that is my message today. To remember that you are a gift.


Every single one of us is a gift. And we were created with all these special things, the special potential to do something. When we are paying attention to everything that’s going on outside, then we lose sight of what we truly are here for. So, looking, rather focusing inside.


Pushing out. Having our filters. Now, I visualize, because this makes me happy. To visualize that shiny silver frequency that’s pushing out, I mean, that’s just reflecting back anything that’s not in harmony with who I am at this moment..


It may be in harmony tomorrow. It may be perfect for tomorrow. But it just may not be perfect right now.


Just leave it outside. And that beautiful sparkling gold and frequency gold. Having that energy, that ability, to transmute disharmony. So, of course Harmony is another one that I always reach for.


Harmony is something I think about, about 20 hours a day, I guess. I love harmony. I don’t like disharmony. Hence my visual of all these beautiful frequencies of harmony inside while paying attention to the possibilities that are there.  The potential.


So that, when I am strong enough, I can break through. Or in less traumatic thoughts, where as we become stronger and stronger, as our energy is in greater harmony, what if that means that our energy flows farther and farther? That energy of harmony, that energy of positivity, goes out farther and farther from us. So.


As you go through this week, you may choose to just focus a little bit more within. Normally, we have a brand new moon occurring on the night of the 8th.


Whatever time you’re watching this, it’s – it’s in the middle of the night on the 8th here in Bali. They’re calling it the 9th because it is the 2:00 in the morning. However, this is that time to create. But what if we pull back and allow the opportunities to come to us, rather than pressing on as if it is a journey that we must. Something difficult, that we must push on. But just kind of sitting back and paying attention, paying attention from the inside out to radiate the greater harmony and balance, apart from us.


So in alignment with that.


For those of you who may have missed the Reset in January, January to March, we are making some plans to have another Rainbow Healing Reset where we will tweak a few things. It’s not going to be exactly the same. I promise you it will not be the same.


But we will do another thing. So we’re in the planning stages right now. So it will happen soon. And if you’re interested, do let us know.


And do pay attention to our announcements, because as we as the plans become more concrete, we will let you know. And we will look forward to having all of you join us for a new Reset, as we all move forward in greater harmony and balance.


Have a beautiful, beautiful week, understanding more and more of who you are and radiating your essence outward.